First time I ever organize camp, and many i still need to learn to make it better.. All the committee are super young, some even just form 4 nia. Thank God for the wisdom and strength to help all of us in organize it.Thank God for the wonderful weather so we can have all the activities run smooth. Thanks to WorldVision Malaysia for excellent idea of games and Thanks to Sharon, Hui Ling and Julie for successful run all the games.
Thanks to Kok Ping-my assistant for his hard work in planning and funding the sponsor until we have enough money to run the camp. Thanks to all sponsor for support us too coz without them we are not able to run the camp.
For our camp photo pls surf http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1283533230&v=wall&story_fbid=142776099091910&ref=notif¬if_t=like#!/photo_search.php?oid=136879256354636&view=all
So the Famine is over. But there is still much to be done in the fight against urban poverty and hunger.
What's next?
Truth is, it's entirely is up to you. The 30 Hour Famine is just the FIRST STEP in our journey to take a stand againsthunger, poverty and injustice.
The question is : Are you really hungry - HUNGRY FOR CHANGE? If you are, you can continue to make a difference in the lives of children and communities trapped in poverty all over the world.
and now I invite you all to watch this video..
What do you feel after watch it?
For me, I need Take Action NOW! Do something TODAY! because I believe TOGETHER, we can light up their lives!
We can..
1. Get Educated & Raise Awareness
-> Educate yourself and contribute to a solution on the issue.
-> Initiate discussions/debates on urban poverty and hunger-related issues.
-> Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper to increase awareness.
2. Show & Tell
-> Talk, blog, Tweet. Share all about your Famine experience with your friends and family, and urge them to join you in next year's Famine.
-> Better yet, sign up as a Camp Leader and run your very own Famine camp next year!
3. Exercise Your Democratic Rights
-> If you are above 21 years old, vote! Elect representatives who truly champion the interests of poor and marginalised.
-> Write petitions and make phone calls to your local Councillor's office; lobby for better access to services and utilities for the urban poor.
4. Be an Agent of Change
-> Play a part in changing a child's life forever - sponspr a child today.
-> Sponsorship gives a child and his/her community basics like access to clean water, education, healthcare and better nutrition. You can give them hope for a better life.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
Pls join our fb group too in order to connect with us. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1283533230&v=wall&story_fbid=142776099091910&ref=notif¬if_t=like#!/group.php?gid=136879256354636&ref=ts thanks..
Hope can see most of this year camper join in next year and now my target for next year camper is 500 ppl! All The Best to this year camper from me..
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