Monday, October 4, 2010








第一個月 領取一個月薪水。
第二個月 還是領取一個月薪水。


第一個月 依本月業績得到收入。
第二個月 業績歸零,重頭打拼。


第一個月 得到1。
第二個月 得到1+1。
第三個月 得到1+1+1。


Monday, September 27, 2010

基督教霸道??? 还是你很霸道???

你认为基督教霸道,那是因为你不承认它是真理,其实你认为宗教都不应该霸道,你也很霸道,因为你认为这是真理。事实上,“宗教都不应该霸道”是不是真理呢? 基督徒认为基督教是真理,那是因为我们从最现实的经历当中体验到,人并不是这个宇宙中最高的存在;我们又从最清醒的理性中发现,宇宙的存在有一个超越万有的创造者和设计者;我们还从最合理的逻辑中觉悟,假如连我自己也是从这位创造者所造,那么我就不可能可以用自己的脑袋去完全明白他。这是许多人都可以接受 的事实,也是非常科学、非常符合逻辑的,那么我们如何能认识这位主呢?除非他自我启示,耶稣基督就是那位创造宇宙万有之主的最高自我启示。他道成肉身到 人间,用各种证据将自己活活地显给人看。他拥有操控大自然的权能,他拥有启发人的教导智慧,他拥有“入污泥而不染”的圣洁本性,和世人无法挑剔的完美举止,他拥有责备和揭示罪恶的公义性情,他拥有可以接纳每个真心悔改之罪人的慈爱和怜悯,而且他还代替罪人承受了十字架的痛苦和刑罚,使我们可以接着他所付出的代价,白白得着丰盛的生命。这些事实既然如此明显,拒绝他而灭亡有什么霸道的?既然人是出于神,而神有一再地给我们机会,主动地向我们其实自己,表达爱意,我们事奉他不但是理所当然的,更是我们最高的荣耀!




Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mentakab DIY 30 Hour Famine Camp

First time I ever organize camp, and many i still need to learn to make it better.. All the committee are super young, some even just form 4 nia. Thank God for the wisdom and strength to help all of us in organize it.Thank God for the wonderful weather so we can have all the activities run smooth. Thanks to WorldVision Malaysia for excellent idea of games and Thanks to Sharon, Hui Ling and Julie for successful run all the games.

Thanks to Kok Ping-my assistant for his hard work in planning and funding the sponsor until we have enough money to run the camp. Thanks to all sponsor for support us too coz without them we are not able to run the camp.

For our camp photo pls surf¬if_t=like#!/photo_search.php?oid=136879256354636&view=all

So the Famine is over. But there is still much to be done in the fight against urban poverty and hunger.

What's next?

Truth is, it's entirely is up to you. The 30 Hour Famine is just the FIRST STEP in our journey to take a stand againsthunger, poverty and injustice.

The question is : Are you really hungry - HUNGRY FOR CHANGE? If you are, you can continue to make a difference in the lives of children and communities trapped in poverty all over the world.

and now I invite you all to watch this video..

What do you feel after watch it?

For me, I need Take Action NOW! Do something TODAY! because I believe TOGETHER, we can light up their lives!

We can..

1. Get Educated & Raise Awareness
-> Educate yourself and contribute to a solution on the issue.
-> Initiate discussions/debates on urban poverty and hunger-related issues.
-> Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper to increase awareness.

2. Show & Tell
-> Talk, blog, Tweet. Share all about your Famine experience with your friends and family, and urge them to join you in next year's Famine.
-> Better yet, sign up as a Camp Leader and run your very own Famine camp next year!

3. Exercise Your Democratic Rights
-> If you are above 21 years old, vote! Elect representatives who truly champion the interests of poor and marginalised.
-> Write petitions and make phone calls to your local Councillor's office; lobby for better access to services and utilities for the urban poor.

4. Be an Agent of Change
-> Play a part in changing a child's life forever - sponspr a child today.
-> Sponsorship gives a child and his/her community basics like access to clean water, education, healthcare and better nutrition. You can give them hope for a better life.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Pls join our fb group too in order to connect with us.¬if_t=like#!/group.php?gid=136879256354636&ref=ts thanks..

Hope can see most of this year camper join in next year and now my target for next year camper is 500 ppl! All The Best to this year camper from me..


Friday, March 26, 2010

My Vision and Mission after Graduate

Almost done in UKM, and now is time for me to think future job, what I gonna do for God and how I achieve it!

For you all information, my future plan is like this:
-After grad, I will work as part time teacher for 3 years in Mentakab, Pahang (my hometown ). Why teacher and why is part time? Teacher because I want serve people and not machine. Other than that, I can serve community at my hometown too when I have free time and holiday. Part time because I want serve in my hometown and I dont want to be post to other place and also can take care my mom. Then another question come : why 3 year? I think this is a time for me to learn how to become a teacher and get connected with the student, community and also a time for me to save some money for some small business.

-In the meantime of becoming a part time teacher, I can serve in hometown church for youth fellowship advisor since Pastor already request me to do it. Hopefully I can bring all the things and lessons that I have learn at UKM back to them. By that, hope it can increase their faith in God, serve God more and know the important of share gospel and also disciple making.

-Will do some motivation camp like 30 hours Famine to know more people and can help them know the value of food, appreciate the food and have the mindset to help the other that is needed. In organise the camp, I can get to know more people in my hometown, expand my social network and also can spread the gospel after the camp. It can be done by asking them go out lim teh and have a chit chat with them after the camp.Other camp still in progress of idea. But I deeply need a Christian team that have same mindset to team up with me so that we can reach the same goal and we can actually expand more Christian influence and give them Christian Value in the camp. I can easily find a team that want to motivate youth but most of them are non-Christian, so hard for me to reach ineer goal.

-If my saving is available to do some business after 3 year, I will do a tuition center. Also in my hometown, and if can more Christian teacher is encourage to teach in it and we can actually do other things once a week or two week other than teach the student in academic only. Mayb BGR- Boy Girl relationship, Time management, Stress management, social management and kind of these things. Coz most of us also need these kind of things even in Uni life and search help from many people coz we dont get any expose to these things in our youth time. If my saving not available for tuition center, will open also but mayb need help from friends financial support or just partnership with other friends.

-If the tuition center already help me earn more money tat I could do other things after couple of years or mayb 10 year, will take some franchise so tat can earn more money again. But yet the things that I done will continue to do and hopefully can be more aggressively.

-Why I want earn money? and why franchise? Coz I want see more Christian influence in society and not just doing Church inner activity. Nowdays, we seldom do it and just go for old folk home in Christmas only or CNY. Is it enough??? For me, I think we lack of it and we need do more and more in it~
So I hope can do more community care work so that Christian Influences in our country more and more. Franchise because I can earn more money and I actually can have a system to run the business so tat I not deviate in doing community care work. And with franchise, I can do more outreach around like street feeding , soup per days or set up a shop tat give talk and people tat coming can get some small gift (can attract people to come hear gospel ).

So my vision is doing the Scarification for Christ and all tat above is just a step/mission for accomplish it! Thanks for viewing and please pray for me to have courage, wisdom and also a team that same mindset& goal with me in doing all this. Together we build God's Kingdom~

Monday, October 5, 2009

God vision to me

And again this few day ago, Si Hao - a brother from my hometown call me to ask me whether I can become the youth fellowship advisor after graduate or not. Coz he and Daniel- another brother alr serve in Mentakab Youth Fellowship for few year already.Plus lately Si Hao will very busy with his business and He say Daniel will marry soon also. I very willing to do it since I want to serve at my lovely hometown. And I just say yes in that call and without thinking twice.

Coz this is the time for me serve in Mentakab Chinese Methodist Church and that is one of the plan to serve the community oso. So I not thinking too much for it lo.. But after few day, I think tat I cant agree like tat de coz I dont know whether I can get job at Mentakab or not yet when I graduate de. So I add on a condition for this and tell this to Brother Si Hao- that is I must get a job- teacher or wat la ( but teacher is the best la ) at Mentakab or nearby Mentakab. I ask them to pray for me in this also so tat they can get retired and I can serve too.

And miracle is the decision to choose me as the advisor for youth fellowship MCMC is made by Pastor and En Hui. Coz I din tell them that I want work or serve at Mentakab after graduate and they can think out me as one of the candidate and challenge me to do it. I think this must have God will in it and I surely God will prepare all the things I need to serve in youth fellowship. Thank God!!!

Waiting the days to serve in Mentakab now and train me more in Love God and Love myself from now on so tat I can do well in the serving later on. Thank God for let me know Your will days by days....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

30 Hour Famine

I join the 30 hour famine camp for my first time in this sat and sunday. At first, I join because my friend- Anson Chiah ask me to join due to lack of ppl can become group leader. He notice I join so many camp and can take over the post. But when I join the camp discussion in msn last few week before tat, kiwi say have fun in camp to me, I suddenly kind of wonder tat I go for fun or help ppl?? But they quickly say tat is not for fun one.. hehe2.. Luckily I know their mean for this, or else may b I din go for this very meaningful camp le.

I din go for the camp discussion for the detail. So I almost dont know at all of the ppl that serve in this camp. But I know my friend- keuw wei sister is camp leader. She help me a lot and sms/ e-mail me a lot for the detail for the camp to make sure I can still know some of the camp progress.

I go back hometown- Mentakab on friday. Go to church fellowship in the evening and after tat go lim teh with Keuw wei them to know more about the camp. After tat, yam cha with Anson and Peng shen until very late 1.00 am like tat. Tat time, really sleepy and the next day need wake up very very early to eat breakfast so tat can cover the hungry for 30 hour. The next morning, I wake up on 650am and go for breakfast at Taman Rimba. Eat a full breakfast with wantan Ho .. Nice !!! Then faster go back home to pack the other things so tat can go to camp briefing on 8 am.

I late a bit to reach the school for briefing. But none of them din scold me..haha2 may b they din know me kua.. Then we faster take the camp t-shirt and other things like pen, mask, file for our group member. Then I and some brother need go to take 120 chair at the classroom.. Heww..!! Long time din take so many thing at one time le.. And I cant let many sweat come out from my body due to cant bath today and tomorrow morning.

After that, I just keep on waiting for my group member to come and register. I have 10 cute, nice and active group member. Although the other group leader complain tat their group member very passive and may b din talk at all, I very grateful I have my group member coz they din trouble me much.. And when they ask for some detail for the camp, I ask them to wait for instruction( Actually I dont know at all ), and they din complain much.. haha2..Thanks to you all ( Group 3) for your patience and understanding.

And most other committee is very young ( only about 17-18 years old ). And they may b is their first time to orgainize and join this kind of camp. They quite blur and have some communicate problem when run some programme. They make some of the camper din enjoy much..and some feel boring. I cant help much due to my voice to small to them to notice and I cant interrupt much due my post is the same with them. But I do need give a clap to all of them due to their courage and willingness to serve in this camp. You all alr do the best of you.... Hope can you all can improve more and do it next time with better than this best.

I feel tat I din hungry at all for the most of the time, even tired oso.. MAy b many ppl pray for me ( because I ask them to pray for me ) and I do practice fasting in last month for one meal in the fast and pray. I can fast the whole 30 hour leh !!! Only drink some soy bean milk and I can dont eat at all for tat long period.. Geng !!! ( I mean the soy milk )

Going the countdown at Bukit Jalil.. waiting for so many to check the temperature and kill germ by pouring the liquid to our hand.. I need give a clap to all of the volunteer for coz they really profesional in doing tat to make sure all ppl coming is healthy and H1n1 cant spread during the countdown.

And after going into the countdown, many ppl alr arrive to countdown... tat day have 7000 oevr ppl coming for countdown. And the concert is Rock !!! having many good artist coming over there to give us support. Haha2.. Kiwi just keep complain the youth nowdays is very siez and passive .. coz cant give any expression when joining the concert like this. hehe2.. may b nowdays they din get touch with ppl much ma.. They are the e-generation. Using so much hp, computer and astro... sadly I need go back very early to attend a dinner with Yseng them and cant attend all the programme in the countdown.

Feel tat the World vision alr do their best to reach out the poor ppl in all over the world. And I realize tat world vision is oso a christian organization when I join this camp. And wat I have do to help the poor ppl ??? tat is the question I ask to myself after I join this camp...

And I can help them by donate only RM50 every month..And tat money can help them very much !!! coz when we eat one meal every time, may b tat is their whole family meal for one day!
Is tat fair when our country ppl sick because of eat too much and they suffer everyday for hunger ??

This is the silent tsunami video tat I watch in the countdown.. Check it out..!

I thinking to organize this camp next year in my hometown- mentakab again so tat more and more ppl know the poor ppl suffer and pain !!! Anyone wanna join as committee pls contact me. Thanks